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"A call to Inspiration" | Learn from Ekalavya | Ep 1

"From Self-Taught to Stalwart: Ekalavya's Path to Excellence, Charles Correa's Influence"

Eklavya self learner

This title blends the concepts of Ekalavya's self-learning and dedication with the architectural legacy and influence of inspirational Architects In this blog for instance of inspiration we are talking about Charles Correa.

Ekalavya, a character from the ancient Indian epic Mahabharata, is frequently connected with self-learning and dedication. Although Ekalavya's story has nothing to do with architecture, we can take inspiration from his determination and apply it to our approach to learning from the works of renowned architect Charles Correa.


Ekalavya's passion and ambition to become a good archer drove him to self-motivation and tenacity. As an architect, you must be self-motivated and determined to constantly enhance your skills and knowledge. Set objectives for yourself and commit to accomplishing them.

Learning through observation: 

Ekalavya mastered archery by watching Dronacharya, the famed archery master, from afar. As an architect, you should study architectural designs and analyze successful projects, as well as observe and learn from the work of experienced specialists. Observation can reveal important design principles, methodologies, and spatial layouts.

Independent learning:

Ekalavya's education was self-directed. He worked extensively on his own, improving his archery skills without the benefit of formal instruction from an instructor. As an architect, you should also take the initiative to learn on your own. Read books, learn about architectural styles, examine construction codes, and experiment with new technologies and materials. Develop a passion for information and a desire to learn more about architecture.

Practice and perseverance: 

Ekalavya's dedication to practice was unwavering. He practised relentlessly, allowing him to master his abilities. Similarly, practise is essential for architects. Design and build architectural models, experiment with various materials and construction techniques, and participate in hands-on activities. Persist in the face of obstacles and setbacks, understanding that practise is the key to enhancing your skills.

Adaptation and Innovation: 

Ekalavya was forced to improvise due to his limited resources. He created a clay idol of his guru and trained in front of it, treating it as a symbol of his mentor. Architects can take inspiration from this resourcefulness and adapt their designs to suit various constraints, be it budgetary, environmental, or cultural, while still striving for innovation.

Individuality and Personal Style:

Ekalavya developed his own unique style of archery, distinct from his guru Arjuna's techniques. Architects should embrace their individuality and develop their own design philosophies and styles. This helps in creating a unique identity and standing out in a crowded architectural landscape.

Humility and Respect: 

Ekalavya was a man of great talent, but he was also incredibly humble and respectful of his guru. This teaches architects to value other people's knowledge, work together with colleagues, and look to mentors for advice. Possessing a humble attitude can help you advance both personally and professionally.

Ethics and Integrity: 

Ekalavya demonstrated unequivocal loyalty and adherence to moral standards. In addition, architects must place a high priority on ethical practises in their work, such as upholding copyrights, planning sustainably, and taking the community and environment into account.

While archery is the main focus of Ekalavya's story, other disciplines, such as architecture, can benefit from his lessons on self-motivation, self-learning, practise, adaptation, individualism, humility, and ethics. Architects can pursue greatness and have a beneficial impact on the world through their designs by emulating these traits.

Getting inspired by Charles Correa:

The renowned architect, involves studying his works, understanding his design philosophy, and exploring the principles that guided his architectural practice. Here are some steps to help you get inspired by Charles Correa:

Study his Works: 

                                                                                                             source : www.archdaily.com

Immerse yourself in Correa's architectural projects, both built and unbuilt. Analyze his designs, spatial compositions, material choices, and contextual responses. Study the plans, sections, elevations, and photographs of his projects to understand the nuances of his architecture.

Read about his Philosophy: 

Familiarize yourself with Correa's design philosophy by reading his writings, interviews, and books. Explore his ideas on architecture, urban planning, sustainability, and the relationship between built environment and culture. Understanding his beliefs and perspectives will provide valuable insights into his approach.

Visit Correa's Buildings: 

If possible, visit the buildings designed by Charles Correa. Experiencing his architecture firsthand can be a transformative experience. Pay attention to the spatial qualities, materiality, natural light, and the relationship between built form and surrounding context. Take notes and capture your observations to reflect on later.

Research Contextual Factors: 

Correa emphasized the importance of responding to the context. Study the cultural, social, and environmental aspects of the places where Correa's projects are located. Gain an understanding of the challenges and opportunities present in different contexts and consider how you can apply contextual sensitivity to your own work.

Explore his Design Process: 

source : https://media.biltrax.com

Learn about Correa's design process and methodologies. Explore how he approached site analysis, conceptualization, and design development. Gain insights into his problem-solving methods and how he translated ideas into built form. Apply these learnings to your own design process.

Attend Lectures and Exhibitions: 

source : https://media.biltrax.com

Keep an eye out for lectures, exhibitions, or workshops dedicated to Charles Correa's work. These events provide opportunities to hear from experts and scholars who have extensively researched and analyzed his architecture. Engage in discussions and learn from their perspectives.

Connect with Other Professionals: 

Engage with other architects, designers, and enthusiasts who appreciate Correa's work. Join architecture forums, attend conferences, or participate in online communities to share ideas and insights. Collaborate on projects or engage in critical discussions about Correa's legacy and its relevance today.

Sketch and Design Exercises: 

charles corre's sketch
                                                                                                          source : www.archdaily.com

Incorporate Correa's design principles and concepts into your own sketching and design exercises. Experiment with incorporating solid and void, exploring the relationship between built and open spaces, and responding to contextual factors in your design work.

Document and Reflect: 

Keep a design journal or sketchbook where you document your inspirations and reflections on Correa's work. Write down your thoughts, sketches, and design ideas that are influenced by his principles. Regularly reflect on your progress and evolution as you apply Correa's inspiration to your own work.


Remember, getting inspired by Charles Correa goes beyond replication or imitation. It involves understanding his ideas and principles and finding ways to incorporate them into your own architectural journey, while also adding your unique voice and perspective to the process.

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